Tuesday, September 05, 2006

When did you grow up?

TBS's Business Plan Competition

When did you grow up?

I don't remember exactly when, or if I've reached that stage of adulthood. Most people agree that you get your keys when you turn 21. Somehow, I never really believed that. Does it take that long before you actually get your freedom, which they equate to being an adult?

So I challenged, I wanted out. I didn't want to be just another teenager that went thru the moments of sex, drugs and alcohol. Mixing with the older bunch in church did train my thought life towards taking my place in society. But is it really neat to be a grown up?

After awhile, I found myself getting bored with the computer games, bored of the things that I used to really like. Surprisingly, I got excited when it came to subjects like 'how to run a corporation', 'leadership qualities', 'hitting your first million' and everything else a person 10 years older than me, would be looking at...if they are in their sane mind.

That really got my worried. I didn't want to grow up so fast, I like being a kid. Its nice being free without responsibilities, where I can play each passing day. Knowing that I've always had this thing for computer games, as I even thought of taking it as a career when I was 15, the solution was...I started playing dota.

For most people, its really for the fun of it. I started forcing myself, selfishly because I wanted to know if I can still be a kid. With the rational mind that its a platform for me to get to know people better. It was real fun, for the moment, and many times, as much as I got bored of it, I continued, because...I don't wanna grow up.

So have I grown up?

I guess in many ways, I have. But Id like to believe, that there's still a kid in everyone of us. That life can return to us the feeling of a child when we meet Someone who is really bigger than we are. To know that all that we know, is really nothing as to what is really out there.


This week is another crazy week for me, besides the 2 papers that I've to sit for, Taylor's College asked Khai Lee and I to give a seminar on 'How To Win A Business Plan Competition'. Guess its pretty cool speaking to not only my peers, but seniors at my university.

The last lap here in Malaysia is really interesting. And Im trying to be at every moment of it.


At 9:21 PM, Blogger chaiyen said...

i don't want to grow up too. life used to be a lot more simple.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Cant we all just remain kids. Wouldnt that be just nice.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

precisely... i think that being a kid was the best moment of my life. haha!

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Ehehe, which makes Disneyland my fav place!


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Jon Ng said...

I wanna grow up because the older I get, the more I learn about who I am.

At 1:31 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Thanks for sharing the reason you wanna grow up.

Agree with you on that.


still like being a kid d=)

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Precious things said...

i dunnn wanna grow uppp!! boo hoo.. when i look back at my life, i realise.. im almost an adult.. more responsibilities, more hassle, more complications, more work, ... no more childish behaviour, no more crying un-necessarily, tantrums.. no more games..no more junk food.. no more school homework.. no more teachers and parents to harp and nag on me.. no more ice--cream.. no more chocolates.. no more soft toys..(heh... im still grasping on to those soft toys and memories to keep the child in me alive!)
great post!

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Hehe, you dont get to eat choc when you grow up?

Then, we shall all never want to grow up!



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