Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Pit Stop.

1 January 2012 @ The Bull, Shanghai

It's really been awhile.. writing down my thoughts in ways that I used to seem so far away. But with a sudden burst of inspiration, I'd thought I'd capture a lil of what transpired at the start of this year before the momentum of time continues.. (in bullet form =P)

Lessons from 2008-2011
  • fight for your dreams, no one is going to do it for you.
  • passion> common wisdom. in all things, you must enjoy what you do.
  • friendships take effort, make sure you balance your time and still have a core called home.
  • family is the most important thing.
  • God's hand is always on your life.. if you allow Him to play His part.
  • taking regular breaks out of the city is a must and very therapeutic.
  • 'world class' is what it takes to get you to the top.
  • being nice pays off big time in ways you cannot imagine.
  • serving 'full time' should not be exclusive to people working in church or religious organisations only.
  • the world is large, but being the best amongst them isnt impossible.
  • being level headed and keeping emotions low is extremely important in times of crisis.
  • try not to find love in hopeless places again, it aint gonna work out.
  • when faced with a challenge, always take it head on and spend more time defining the problem before thinking of solutions.
  • get uncomfortable, it is the only way to grow.
  • climbing the corporate ladder is great, however not that fantastic after all. be different, be disruptive in nature, you might be surprised with the outcome.
  • time moves too fast, circumstances change too quickly. 2-3 year plans are the new 5-10 year plans of the past. re-calibrate every 6 months.
  • knowing your past, helps you fight for your future and be grateful for the life youve lived.
  • when in pain, remember that time heals, and miracles do happen.
  • there is nothing that He will give you that you cannot bear.
  • things dont just happen all the time, youve gotta take that step and make that move.
  • action is better than inaction.
  • when leading teams, care first, instruct later, let the goal be the ultimate boss.
  • life should be fun, have a random theme song for every occasion :)
  • if you ever forget, remember that you are extremely blessed.
  • simplicity is key, having a child like faith is important. so be simple, be uncomplicated.
  • there is beauty in uncertainty.
  • you were meant to live an extraordinary life.. nothing less.

I remember 'The Start' when everything changed. Its been an amazing ride and am extremely excited with whats ahead of me this year.

Perhaps I'll be having more pit stops in 2012, whatever it is, I am determined to make 2012 the best year of my life just yet.

..and it starts with a choice.

Here we go! :)